Title: The 2nd DareFightingICE Competition
Chollakorn Nimpattanavong, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Ibrahim Khan, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Van Thai Nguyen, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering,Ritsumeikan University
Junzhang Chen, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Liyong Tao, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Hidetoshi Gaya, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Ruck Thawonmas, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Description + Evaluation Criteria:
Are you aware of any sound design (a set of sound effects combined with the source code that implements their timing-control algorithm) in video games that considers visually impaired players? Enhanced with a better sound design than its predecessor FightingICE, DareFightingICE is a fighting game platform for creating a sound design for such players. As in the first competition at CoG 2022, this year, there are also two tracks. The first track is an AI competition, and the second is a sound-design competition.
Submissions — of an AI capable of operating with only audio input information or/and a sound design for visually impaired players — are welcome.
The AI track utilizes this year’s default sound design of DareFightingICE. There are two leagues: Standard and Speedrunning. Standard League considers the winner of a round as the one with the hit point (HP) above zero when its opponent’s HP has reached zero. In Speedrunning League, the league winner is the AI with the shortest average time to beat our sample MCTS AI that has access to delayed game states and a sample deep-learning AI whose input is only audio data. This track’s winner is decided, considering both leagues’ results based on the 2018 Formula-1 scoring system.
In the sound design track, the winning sound design is the one that has not only the highest sum of the scores from blindfolded human test players (scores here include both relative game scores compared when playing without being blindfolded and subjective scores assessing sound aesthetic) but also the highest performance from the sample deep-learning AI fighting against the sample MCTS AI when the former is trained using the sound design of interest.
The winning AI — if trainable — and the winning sound design will be used in the sound design track and the AI track in the next competition, respectively.
Submission deadlines
Midterm deadline: May 24, 2023 (23:59 JST)
Final deadline: July 29, 2023 (23:59 JST)(no extension!!)
(1) AI Track: This track seeks submissions for the strongest blind fighting game AI.
(2) Sound Design Track: This track seeks submissions for the best fighting game sound design.